Author Archive - William Mautz, Ph.D.
Embracing Our Children’s Strengths and Weaknesses

When all of its complexity is stripped away, facilitating success and confidence is at the core of a good child neuropsychological evaluation. I say this because the evaluation process is meant to embrace and celebrate your child’s strengths, taking care to identify tools and settings that will build upon them. Now I’m sure you’ve seen […]
Read More >CNS Covid-19 Notice
CNS COVID-19 NOTICE As you read this, our hope is that you and your loved ones are well. These are challenging times for each of us and negotiating our new normal certainly will take time and patience. At CNS, our primary goal is to ensure the health of the families we serve, our staff, and […]
Read More >Getting to Know Your Child

Children are like snowflakes. Each share many common characteristics, and each are uniquely different. Sometimes our kids’ uniqueness insures success, whether it be as a student, athlete or communicator. Other times, it can foster frustration, sadness, and anger. This results in understandable concern and confusion for parents, as the source of our child’s struggles is […]
Read More >Screen Time, Social Media, and the Developing Brain

“How much screen time do you have each day?” It’s a question I typically ask during my neuropsychological evaluations with middle school through college age students. The answer: from two – four hours weekly, depending on the day of the week, and some of that time is used for school work. The American Academy of […]
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