Frequently Asked Questions
Over our history we have performed thousands of neuropsychological evaluations working with children and their parents. This section contains our most frequently asked questions.
Q: Why would my child need a neuropsychological evaluation?
A: Common reasons include:
- Academic or social/behavioral needs not met at school
- Anxiety
- Attention issues or difficulty concentrating
- Behavioral concerns, including difficulty interacting with peers and adults
- Developmental concerns – speech/motor/social delays
- Gifted/academic achievement assessments
- Learning disabilities/accommodations testing
- Physical health changes – brain injury, illness, etc.
- School admittance testing (WISC-IV, WAIS-IV)
Q: What is a neuropsychologist?
A: A neuropsychologist is a psychologist who specializes in studying brain behavior relationships. Neuropsychologists use standardized tests and behavioral observation to define patterns of brain functioning and overall development. They have extensive training in the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the nervous system. When a child has a neuropsychological evaluation, the neuropsychologist uses his knowledge to guide assessments, interpret results and make recommendations.
Q: What is a neuropsychological evaluation?
A. A neuropsychological evaluation assesses brain function. The evaluation itself is a series of tests for intelligence, academic skills, attention and concentration, learning and memory, processing speed, visual spatial perception, language skills, visual motor and fine motor skills, sensory perception, executive functioning (such as planning, organization, initiating and inhibiting behaviors) and emotional functioning. The neuropsychologist conducting the testing interprets the results based on your child’s developmental phase and medical history. She looks at all the test data to determine your child’s strengths and weaknesses and develop a plan for next steps.
Q. What to tell your child about their evaluation?
A. We recommend that you discuss testing openly and honestly with your child. Emphasize that they will be successful and that they will be working with a friendly adult who’s eager to meet them. Avoid telling them that they will be playing games.